Thursday, June 17, 2010

Joys of June (Friday Fave Five)

Relay for Life quilt top with borders, ready to quilt

Finally I planted flowers in the pots on the deck! After a month of being gone, bad weather, and other interferences, I am so happy to see the flowers! Since we don't have any flowers in the yard except the flowering shrubs, which are all done blooming now, I have really enjoyed the pots for many years. This picture doesn't really do justice to the beauty of the plants. Drh has worked hard on the yard this year, and it looks great, too.
I got the last borders on the Relay for Life quilt last night. Now it's folded and waiting for time to quilt.

This week has been a good one. My five favorite things this week are:

1. I helped with Sunday school, teaching about 14 kids ages 5-12 how to make an origami house. The lesson was on Luke 6: The Wise and Foolish Builders 46"Why do you call me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say? 47I will show you what he is like who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice. 48He is like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built. 49But the one who hears my words and does not put them into practice is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. The moment the torrent struck that house, it collapsed and its destruction was complete." The kids were fun and the houses turned out very cute.

2. Drh's cousins' family reunion was on Sunday, and visiting with family members, joking, and eating were top activities of the day.

3. Went to the farmers market on Tuesday in the rain and bought locally grown beets, lettuce, broccoli, potatoes, and olive wheat bread. MMMM.

4. Got my flowers planted finally. Summer is here!

5. Phone chat with Daughter #2 - a good update of her summer in Montana. She seems to be doing well and learning what she hoped.

Visit Susanne at Living to Tell the Story for more Fave Fives. Have a good day!


Lisa notes... said...

That quilt is gorgeous. I can’t even imagine doing that. I finally got flowers planted in my pots, too. It’s so refreshing to see them when I look out my window. Now I just need to go keep them watered…

How nice it is to have those phone chats with our daughters. I’ve had quite a few with my 21-yr-old lately due to a breakup she’s going through. Thank God for phones! Have a great weekend.

Faith said...

What a beautiful quilt!! My mom in law makes quilts...I just buy em :)

Your faves sound great....i love summer flowers in pots as well as most of my yard is just grass, 2 cherry trees (bloomed in April) and then flowering bushes that bloom in May/early pots I do! It is a sunny warm day here in NYS so I am sure I'll be on my deck later tonite enjoying the flowers! Have a great weekend and enjoy that deck!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous quilt! I love the colors you've got there. The flowers look lovely and so nice that it brings you such joy :-)

Susanne said...

The quilt is absolutely beautiful! Such talent.

Love your deck pots of flowers. My backyard is like that too. No flowers in beds so my pots are my splashes of summer color.

Glad to hear your daughter is doing well and enjoying her time at the school in Montana!

Willow said...

I think everyone has commented on your beautiful quilt! I agree; it's wonderful.

It's always good to hear that your children are doing well, isn't it?

laura said...

the borders look nice, i'm glad we picked the blue/red for the outside border.

Cathie said...

Thanks for all the compliments, everyone!